Memorial day Weekend..
>> Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Woke up 12:30 in the afternoon on memorial day .. hah~.. we got back around 1:30am yesterday, had fun but were all really tired. We plan to leave San Francisco around 2 -3 pm-ish but got stuck with the beauty of the city and end up spending more time there than expected. We left the city and head back to LSU at around 7 pm. The trip was awesome but the journey was a lil tooooo longg.. we got stuck in trafic in LA for about 3 hours and that definately prolonged our journey..
Our first stop... PUCMet up with cuzzy Jaylene who happens to study there... :D
Went to Elmshaven, Ellen G White's last home before she died.. visiting her home reminds me of Australia..
whee, i'm excited whenever you update your blog! :) nice, I'm glad you enjoyed your trip! :)
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