Today's Lunch

>> Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ingredient: Lettuce, shredded carrots, tomatoes, chicken chunk and some corn chips

Dressing: Honey, Lemon & water..


ABBA Concert at Hollywood Bowl..

>> Sunday, July 5, 2009

When i was told that ABBA is going to have a concert at Hollywood bowl.. I was like.. " They are still alive?!?!?!" turn out to be Yes.. they are still avery much live and kickin'~ infact they're much younger than i expected.. and they still.. sing really well..

View from above..

the people on stages is like an ant to us from afar.. sigh~

the seats were all filled up!

i know u can hardly see anything.. but i just couldn't get better shot than these.. was sitting too far away..


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