>> Saturday, May 30, 2009
I never really know how to appreciate art.. but these three piece arts took my breath away and i cannot resist not buying them.
This first piece of art is a drawing of San Francisco Lombard street, also known as "the crookedest street"

This is the actual picture of the Lombard St.
can u see how crooked it is?..
can u see how crooked it is?..
This next piece is the Famous Golden Gate..

The actual pic doesn't really look that nice huh.. well.. it always looks better in drawings.. hehehe
we entered San Francisco tru the Golden Gate and exited tru the other bridge.. which i dun recall the name of it.. ( cuz it's not famous!.. hah~)
My Friend told me that they actually never stop painting the golden gate.. know why?.. cuz it takes a while for them to paint the wholeeee gate.. (duh, cuz it's long!) then by the time they reached the end of the gate.. the front gate's paint wears off.. and so they start from the very begginging again.. so bascially they never stops.. !.. whoever get's the painting job contract sure earns much!!
Third piece!.. one of my fav!.. the Alcatraz Island...
The focus of this painting is that little island on the top of the painting..

This is how the island looks like in reality..

The Alcatraz island is located in the middle of San Francisco bay. During the 80's that island was a military prison and then a federal prison in later years. Yes.. they put prisoners in that island!.. If u look at the island from the shore, it's actually not that far.. distance wise, IT IS POSSIBLE to swim all the way to the shore but the people don't use that island as a prison for no reason right... the water is always VERY cold and it was too cold for them to swim to the land and plus the strong current in the waters so there's no way they can escape that island. True enough, throughout their operating years as a prison, no one ever successfully escape from that island.
The Alcatraz island is located in the middle of San Francisco bay. During the 80's that island was a military prison and then a federal prison in later years. Yes.. they put prisoners in that island!.. If u look at the island from the shore, it's actually not that far.. distance wise, IT IS POSSIBLE to swim all the way to the shore but the people don't use that island as a prison for no reason right... the water is always VERY cold and it was too cold for them to swim to the land and plus the strong current in the waters so there's no way they can escape that island. True enough, throughout their operating years as a prison, no one ever successfully escape from that island.
Oakland Bay Bridge...maybe...not that sure....
Deanna told me you blogged about SF. Yeah! It's a great city; I'm glad you got to visit it.
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