In four days time.. i will be "walking" (term used here, aka graduating). Few course mates of mine and i went out for a lil get-together dinner to celebrate Ana's early-birthday and the 'leaving' me at P.F. Chang.. Yeap!.. sounds chinese that's cuz it's a chinese bistro.. sorry no pics of the food!.. similar to chinese food, just that it's americanized chinese food.
Love the dessert!.. banana ice-cream!.. it’s sooo good!. I promised myself to have at least one of those again before I leave the states for good.. and this time.. I'm going to take a picture of it!..

Standing L-R : Paul, Irene, Suzanne, Blain
Sitting L-R: Jason, Anna, pretty me!.. :P
After seeing each other like almost every day in almost all of our classes, this is the FIRST time in the whole entire year we actually went out for dinner =.= That was like the focal of our discussion for the night.. we were wondering why we didn’t organize anything like this before.. thanks to Irene!.. here’s our first and last get-together (for me). The rest of them are going on with the Educational Specialist Degree, and more get-together for them.. yay! I decided to just stop at my MA degree.. there's a few reason to it..
1. i don't plan to settle down in the states.. after staying here for quite a while.. i heart Asia in every possible way.. hah~ the EdS school psychology thingy is more of an American education system thingy than of Asia.. so no point..
2. I'll need 2 additional years to finish up my EdS... firts year MA and next two years EdS.. plus my BA.. total of years = 7.. SEVEN YEARS!!!.. i can become doctor already =.=
3. In america, counselor and school psychologist - distinctly different.. one counsel the other do testing.. in asia.. u pretty much do both as a counselor... plus the government don't do much funding for special education.. so school psychologist is not so much of use.. i don't know about other countries in asia.. but i'm sure Malaysia don't =.=
Ana and I
The Gurls....

The guys.. and that's Irene!.. the mastermind of this get-together..
I'm counting my last days here in the States while Asia awaits..... ^^